
Spent scavenger analysis
We recently received a spent H2S scavenger sample for laboratory analysis. Over the years, we’ve seen many samples like that shown in the figure above:

Analysis of tramp amines
Tramp amines are a challenging crude oil contaminant for refinery operations. These amines generally arrive at the refinery from upstream processing—in-field sulfide scavenging. When they

Thiadiazine, the forgotten triazine by-product
The operating question of “how much scavenging capacity remains?” is often translated into “how much triazine remains?”. But this question does not consider the deeper

Raman spectroscopy for MEA-triazine QA/QC testing
A customer approached OndaVia interested in measuring their triazine-based scavenger solutions. The OndaVia team analyzed the sample…

Focusing the OndaVia Analysis Instrument
The OndaVia Analysis Instrument is a powerful, compact Raman spectrometer. The excitation and collection optics use a single aspheric lens positioned…